Renew. Release. Rebirth.

The Mission of Refuge Fellowship is to create a Gospel movement that equips, trains, and multiplies Disciples of Christ. Ultimately? We aim to be more than just a place to gather on Sundays. We will be a community of believers that live as Christ modeled for us and exemplify it every day in our lives; to live and do for others out of our being with Jesus.

Our Vision is exemplified in three words: Renew. Release. Rebirth.

  • To Renew our mind, body, and spirit through a deep, transformational relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  • To Release chains of generational trauma and sin.

  • For Rebirth into the freedom, family, and new life of Jesus Christ.

Our Values are Gospel minded and honoring:

  • Equity in Relationship: Regardless of race, culture, nationality, or financial status, we aim to be a multigenerational, diverse church body that works together for the sake of the Gospel.

  • Integrity in Action: To know who we are in Christ and choose right action in public or private.

  • Grace to Grace: As we have been given grace by Jesus, so should we give it to others.

  • Truth Informed As followers of Christ, we believe in the authority of the Word of God and the Truth of the Gospel.

  • Legalism is Illegal: Secondary issues are secondary issues for a reason. Legalism leads to division and self-righteousness. (Luke 6:42).

  • Healthy Community: Community is integral to the health of the body of Christ. Isolation leads to desolation.

  • Rest & Delight in God: We stop to be with God through the practice of Sabbath and the observance of daily offices to experience the freedom and love of God.

I hope that by reading our mission, vision, and values you have an idea of who we are what we hope to do. If you find these exciting and wish to know more, or feel called to get involved, please feel free to send me an e-mail at I look forward to serving alongside you all!

Rev. W. Marcus Jones
Lead Pastor, Refuge Fellowship